
While we're on the topic of plot2d, I'd like plot2d to optionally 
accept a function as its first argument. Currently, the first
argument must be an expression (aka a formula for a function). 

(C1) f(x) := if (x < 0) then -x^2 else x^2;

(D1) f(x):=IF x < 0 THEN -x^2 ELSE x^2

(C2) plot2d(f(x),[x,-5,5]);
MACSYMA was unable to evaluate the predicate:
x < 0
#0: f(x=x)
 -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)

Yes, I know why this happens.  And sure, for this function,
alternatively I could 

plot2d(signum(x) * x^2,[x,-5,5]); 

but such a trick could be wearisome for other "split-rule"

I'd  like to be able to give plot2d a first argument that is a
function; something like

plot2d(f, [-5,5]);

This would (or should) solve the "split-rule" function problem 
and it would also allow one to use modedeclare and 
compilation on the function to make graphics faster. 

Additionally, I agree with Felix; we should have an option that 
(optionally) clips a graph vertically near poles.
Didn't Watson  say something like "singularity is invariably a clue"?
