Subject: plot2d(1/x,[x,0,1],[y,0,5]); => division by 0
From: Raymond Toy
Date: 17 Apr 2003 16:56:23 -0400
>>>>> "Felix" == Felix E Klee <> writes:
Felix> On Thursday 17 April 2003 19:05, Raymond Toy wrote:
>> plot2d(1/(x-0.5),[x,0,1]) should demonstrate this, but the adaptive
>> plotting is taking forever to compute the points. It's slowly moving
>> towards 0.5.
>> I think we really need a way to turn off adaptive plotting.
Felix> Oh yes, this seems to illustrate another problem I had recently: plot2d
Felix> seems to take forever. I just tried your example and let it run for some
Felix> time. On my machine (Celeron 550, 192 MB RAM, LINUX) it aborts with the
Felix> following error message:
We should also make plotting a little smarter. There's no point in
letting the x step size drop infinitesimally small.
Felix> Error: The storage for LONG-FLOAT is exhausted.
Felix> Currently, 24667 pages are allocated.
Felix> Use ALLOCATE to expand the space.
Felix> Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Felix> Error signalled by CATCH.
Felix> Broken at MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL. Type :H for Help.
Felix> What exactly is adaptive plotting? I couldn't find anything about it in the
Felix> Info pages.
Right now, if the change in y is too large, the x step size is
decreased. This keeps happening until the change in y is less than
the original x step size (I think).