maxima on Mac OS X

On Monday, Apr 21, 2003, at 22:20 US/Pacific, William McCallum wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> I am the "fink folk"

Ah.  Sorry, I wasn't paying attention :-}.

>  that successfully built maxima for Mac OS X (in the sense that I am 
> the fink maintainer) and yes, I have been successful with all versions 
> up through 5.9.0rc4, but this error with 5.9.0 is identical on both my 
> system and on the system of the person who originally sent me the bug 
> report. So it doesn't seem to be entirely idiosyncratic to my system. 
> Could you give me more details on the DarwinPorts "corrective 
> surgery"? Is it possible that they are experiencing similar problems?

I don't think this problem is related to the DarwinPorts problem.  The 
latter has something to do with the darwinports infrastructure, and is 
not specific to the maxima code.  The specific problem involves this 

> can't find package darwinports
>     while executing
> "package require darwinports"
>     (file "/opt/local/bin/port" line 31)

when building/installing maxima.  I did manage to get it installed 
earlier, but then this problem hit.  The Pros are working on it...

The important thing in nailing your problem down is to figure out which 
chunk of code is issuing the error, and why.  And then thunking the 
author :-}.

Also, just for curiosity:
>> ;; Loading of file 
>> /sw/src/maxima- is finished.
is this getting recursive?  src/maxima/.../src/maxima...?  I don't have 
source installed now, so I can't check...



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