0^0 question

Consider the following:

(C36) sum(x^i,i,0,inf),x:0;

(D36) 				       0
(C37) x^0;

(D37) 				       1
(C38) x^0,x:0;

0  has been generated
 -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)

In fact I was already writing a bug report. I wanted to write ...should 
give 1... when I realised that this is not clear at all.

(Maple considers 0^0=1 which is probably false)

However, I'd like to *be able to* tell maxima that I want the sum to 
be equal to 1. How could I do that?


Oh dear, now I've found a bug after all (to be reported)