--- Martin RUBEY <rubey@labri.fr> wrote:
> Sorry to open another can of worms, fortunately I can announce that
> I've already closed it: He is working for a company that provides
> "PC-based military tactical trainers". So it's out of the question
> (for me).
> Thank you very much anyway,
> Martin
Phew :-). Stuffing worms back in can.
> (ah yes, btw, you wouldn't want to help me with my graph stuff?)
Unfortunately, I have neither the time or skills myself :-(. If I can
get pigale working again (didn't like the last qt upgrade apparently)
I'll be glad to test, but I'm afraid it's a little out of my depth.
> PS: curiously, I was just thinking about adding the following notice
> to the GPL (which is probably not really possible under the GPL, do
> you know about this?) a week ago, when I tried to understand Brendan
> McKay's nauty:
> Copyright (1994-2002) Brendan McKay. All rights reserved. Educational
> organizations may use this product for purposes of research. All
> other use requires the permission of the author. Use for weapons
> development or other primarily military purpose is expressly
> forbidden. This software is subject to this copyright only,
> irrespective of any copyright attached to a larger work of which this
> is a part.
Very definitely not GPL compatible. GPL places no restrictions on
usage, or distinction between educational vs. commercial users.
> Unfortunately, I've spent 3 hours reading license stuff before I went
> to his web page...
Kinda makes ones head spin, doesn't it?
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