maxima.bat (was Re: [Maxima] Font-lock in *maxima* buffer in XEmacs 21.4 under Win98)

On Thu, 2003-05-01 at 05:50, Andrei Zorine wrote:

> I also face problems loading share files, because FILE_SEARCH_MAXIMA 
> points non-existing c:/msys/1.0/maximainstall when run as maxima.bat 
> (Xmaxima sets the variable correctly). Adding 
> #$FILE_SEARCH_MAXIMA[2]:"some-path" to maxima-init.lisp makes no effect.
> And one more question: what are all these %1, %2, ... %9  variables 
> maxima.bat? Any option list available?

I'm sorry to say that the current maxima.bat is just a hack to allow
some command-line usage of Maxima on windows. You should think of it as
a broken script that might work in some circumstances instead of as a
working script that might break in some circumstances. A working
maxima.bat is on my list to do before Maxima 5.9.1. Doing it properly is
going to require some deep internal changes that I have already thought
out, but not yet implemented.

In the meantime, if you set the environment variable MAXIMA_DIRECTORY to
the location of your maxima installation, maxima should operate
correctly, including finding the share problems. I haven't tried it, so
please let us know if you find problems doing so.


P.S. The %1...%9 don't currently do anything.