2 basic questions about linear.

Try something like this

(C2) m : matrix([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]);
(D2) MATRIX([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9])

Replace row 2 by row 2 - 4 row 1

(C3) m[2] : part(m,2) - 4 * part(m,1);
(D3) [0,-3,-6]

Look at m 
(C4) m;
(D4) MATRIX([1,2,3],[0,-3,-6],[7,8,9])

Replace row 3 by row 3 - 7 row 1

(C5) m[3] : part(m,3) - 7 * part(m,1);
(D5) [0,-6,-12]

Look at m
(C6) m;
(D6) MATRIX([1,2,3],[0,-3,-6],[0,-6,-12])

Replace row 3 by row 3 - 2 row 2

(C7) m[3] : part(m,3) - 2 * part(m,2);
(D7) [0,0,0]

Look at m

(C8) m;
(D8) MATRIX([1,2,3],[0,-3,-6],[0,0,0])

Alternatively, use triangularize

(C9) m : matrix([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]);
(D9) MATRIX([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9])
(C10) triangularize(m);
(D10) MATRIX([1,2,3],[0,-3,-6],[0,0,0])

Maybe you would like to define a function that finds the two-norm.

(C11) two_norm(e) := sqrt(e.e);
(D11) two_norm(e):=SQRT(e . e)
(C12) two_norm([1,2,3]);
(D12) SQRT(14)
(C13) two_norm([a,b,c]);
(D13) SQRT(C^2+b^2+a^2)

A more robust function might check that the input is a list and 
do something else if it isn't.  For example

(C15) two_norm(e) := block([ ],
        if listp(e) then sqrt(e.e) else error("input to two_norm must be a 

(D15) two_norm(e):=BLOCK([],
               IF LISTP(e) THEN SQRT(e . e)
                   ELSE ERROR("input to two_norm must be a list."))
(C16) two_norm(42);
input to two_norm must be a list.
#0: two_norm(e=42)
 -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)

If the arguments are complex, you might also need to use conjugate.


test <fmatsu@bc.mbn.or.jp>
Sent by: maxima-admin@www.ma.utexas.edu
05/01/2003 04:55 PM

        To:     maxima@www.ma.utexas.edu
        Subject:        [Maxima] 2 basic questions about linear.

1. elementary row operation for "matrix".
     I would like to perform elementary row operation for Matrix.
     [ 1, 1,  2]    first Row of Matrix A  -> Row1
     [ 2, 4, -3]    2nd Row of Matrix A  -> Row2
     [ 3, 6, -5]    3rd Row of Matrix  A -> Row3
   In this Matrix named "A",   I plan to perform Row2 + (-2)*Row1.
   Row(A, 2) - 2*(Row(A,1)  is work well.
   But I can not return the value to Row2 of Matrix A.
   I know the Matrix( [ 1, 0, 1],  [-2, 1,0], [0,  0, 1]).A is good 
another way.
  But I want know how to do.

2. About a norm of vector.
    I try to find the function that return the norm of  a vector.
   But I don't find. So I have done like bellows.


   That's I performed. Is there any simple way to get a norm of vector
   like ||B|| or Norm(B).

Thank you.


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