Colors in Emacs (Was Re: [Maxima] Font-lock in *maxima* buffer)
Subject: Colors in Emacs (Was Re: [Maxima] Font-lock in *maxima* buffer)
From: C Y
Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 10:32:05 -0700 (PDT)
--- Jay Belanger <> wrote:
> > I don't know if this is related or not, but for a while now I
> > haven't been able to get colors when I run a maxima session like I
> > used to be able to. The screenshot in the Maxima Book is what it
> > used to look like, and the one in the screenshots page is what I've
> > got now. Am I missing an option or has something changed?
> Something changed. I seem to recall someone complaining about the
> coloring the the Maxima buffer (there's a phrase for it, which I
> can't recall. Technicolor spaghetti?)
Ah. I suppose I'm weird like that, but I liked the colors. Immediate
feedback on whether I've got keywords spelled right, for example. I
can see a lot of people not liking it though.
> (Note that I "seem" to recall. It might have been the voices in my
> head.)
I'm sure someone did complain - I would actually expect most users on
the list to not need the hand holding of colors, so I'm not surprised.
> Since comint-mode does it's own font-locking (and does it similar to
> TeXmacs, input one face, output another), and since I think that if
> Emacs already takes care of something, it probably shouldn't be
> overridden, I had comint-mode take care of the font-locking for the
> Maxima session.
> Anyhow, I'll add the option of letting comint-mode do the
> font-locking, or getting all the colors and using essentially the
> same font-locking as maxima-mode. Hopefully, that will take care of
> the XEmacs problem, also.
Will there be a setting in .emacs to change then for Maxima - something
like (full-color-mode t)? If it's just me wanting it then don't worry
- I'll live ;-).
Thanks much,
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