On Tue, 2003-04-29 at 10:37, Yasuaki Honda wrote:
> Dear all,
> About a year ago, I have proposed the similar idea of introducing
> maxima user package for solving different issue of strange behavior
> for uppercase/lowercase symbols related to bug ID 530030 in the
> database.
> Recently I re-started playing with Maxima and found that this was
> not solved since then. Then I have started some hack for introducing
> maxima-user package.
Part of the reasons we haven't done anything about various
uppercase/lowercase bugs is that we intend to change the way case
sensitivity works in Maxima. At that point, all such fixes should become
moot. Of course, your contribution is still very useful.
> Here I attach two files, maxima-user-package.lisp and symbol.lisp
> which I created a year ago and updated recently.
Thank you for sending in this contribution. It is exactly what I was
looking for.
> Some coincidence is that my hack does NOT pass the regression test
> rtest13s.mac in tests directory. That is because I still cannot figure
> out
> how rule names introduced by tellsimp, infix, prefix, postfix and so on
> are interned, and killed. Some hacks made it work for rtest13.mac,
> though
> I am not satisfied with my hack.
I have not yet fully understood this problem yet, myself.
Thanks again,