I think that definitely the best think, as you say CY, is putting the
Maxima doc under a different copyright notice (GFDL, Open Content, etc.)
and the new contributed libraries made from the scratch to work on
Maxima (somethink like the *.m files of Mathematica) can have a GPL
copyright notice that doesnt include a geographical restriccion.
----- Original Message -----
De: C Y <smustudent1@yahoo.com>
Fecha: Lunes, Mayo 5, 2003 5:33 pm
Asunto: [Maxima] Re: COPYING1
> Actually, I wonder if it might be bigger than just Maxima - does
> anyoneknow what the export restrictions were/are on things like
> commercialMacsyma, Mathematica, Maple, Matlab, etc? Do they have
> exportrestrictions? Maybe it's a case of any program of a certain
> abilitywritten in the US is automatically restricted from
> distribution to
> certain countries or something? I don't know what the laws are
> like in
> that respect, so I don't know. Maybe they would flip out if Octave
> were released in Cuba too for all I know.
> We don't care for the restrictions, primarily because they cause this
> discussion to come up periodically, but it would be a great deal of
> work to find out what was behind them. It's not the only issue either
> - we aren't sure who officially has copyright over some of the files
> now that Bill is gone - probably his family - and since he was the one
> in best contact with the DOE we have lost that connection too. The
> language of the letter seems to indicate Bill was given broader powers
> than the GPL, and he chose to release under GPL.
> Maybe the DOE would respond favorably to contact - they did
> indicate an
> interest in derivative works Bill might develop, and I don't know if
> they have been kept up to date on what happened since his death. The
> question is - do we want to stir up the dust? I honestly don't
> know.
> Resolving this once and for all would be a very good thing, but we
> might do the project much more harm than good.
> CY
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