Is it possible to execute maxima with a web application (written in php) ?
Here is an example of what I have in mind :
Exercise : calculate an indefinite integral of exp(a*x) if a = 2, the value
2 being given by the web application for a given user (a is a parameter
that changes with the user).
Imagine the user gives with of a web form the (good) maxima expression :
%e^(2*x)/2 + 1
It is put within the database in a variable $r1. The "good" answer for
this exercise is the set of maxima instructions (a = 2 is given by the
database) :
a: 2; br1: %e^(a*x); r1: diff(r1, x); ev(r1=br1, pred);
It is put within the database in a variable $br1. The following maxima
performing :
r1: $r1; $br1
gives the TRUE value, as expected. Then this TRUE value is put in a boolean
variable of the database.