maxima serveur ?

Many thanks for this reply.

I have been working on a computer algebra based computer aided assessment
system for some years we have just moved to sourceforge: see

This system is built on Maple, and my motivation for joining the Maxima
group is to explore the possibility of re-writing AIM to use Maxima
instead.  This will make the entire package open source, and hence
available to a much wider community of mathematics educators.

I'd very much appreciate advice from people on this list as to the
feasibility of doing this.   We have a lot of experience in writing and
using the AIM system: computer algebra marking of mathematics is going to
be a very exciting new area in mathematics education in the very near
future.  It would be very satisfying if the cutting edge system was
completely open source, and not (as it currently the case with
AIM) reliant on proprietary software.

One option is to re-write the system in Java, with the option to call to
either Maple or Maxima, depending on which system the user can
afford.  Much effort has been expended in developing learning materials
with Maple code in, including sophisticated feedback based on a properties
of a student's answer.  It would be a real shame to loose this if we
re-write.  For an example of this see

Does such a project for Maxima already exist (I've been on this list
for only two weeks)?  How much support would there be for such a project?

Chris Sangwin
LTSN Maths, Stats & OR Network
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, B15 2TT
United Kingdom
+44 121 414 6197

On Thu, 8 May 2003, Michel Gosse wrote:

> A web based application, front end for maxima, exist already. See :
> Best regards
> Le Mercredi 7 Mai 2003 19:25, Jean-Claude Jolly a écrit :
> > Hello,
> > Is it possible to execute maxima with a web application (written in php) ?
> > Here is an example of what I have in mind :
> >
> > Exercise : calculate an indefinite integral of exp(a*x) if a = 2, the value
> > 2 being given by the web application for a given  user (a is a parameter
> > that changes  with the user).
> >
> > Imagine the user gives with of a web form the (good) maxima expression :
> > 	%e^(2*x)/2 + 1
> > It is put within the database in a variable $r1.  The "good" answer for
> > this exercise is the set of maxima instructions (a = 2 is given by the
> > database) :
> > 	a: 2;	br1: %e^(a*x);	r1: diff(r1, x);	ev(r1=br1, pred);
> > It is put within the database in a variable $br1. The following maxima
> > performing :
> > 	r1: $r1;		$br1
> > gives the TRUE value, as expected. Then this TRUE value is put in a boolean
> > variable of the database.
> >
> >
> >
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