Getting started with Maxima

Dear Jim,

Yes, thank you.  Your explanation is completely clear and
would have helped enormously with installation of binaries
from rpm.  I am sorry that I missed it and would recommend
its inclusion on the main download page.

Best regards,


P.S. As I noted in my earlier posting, the compilation from
source was really easy and smooth.

Michael Ash, Assistant Professor
  of Economics and Public Policy
Department of Economics and CPPA
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Tel 413-545-6329 Fax 413-545-2921

On Thu, 8 May 2003, James Amundson wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-05-08 at 09:25, Michael Ash wrote:
> > I had a very hard time with trying to install the binaries
> > via rpm.  First, the base maxima rpm failed a dependency on
> > maxima_exec, which I could not locate.  Then the maxima-gcl
> > rpm failed dependencies on maxima (see the previous
> > sentence),
> There is a file README.rpms that tells you, among other things, how to
> avoid exactly this problem. The file is prominently placed on the main
> sourceforge download page. However, I see that we have *not* placed it
> on our new download page. That needs be fixed. Thanks for bringing this
> issue to my attention.
> Here is the beginning of the file README.rpms:
> ------------------------------------------------
> These RPMs were created on a RedHat 7.3 system. They have been tested
> on RedHat 7.3 and 7.1 systems; see the note below for issues with 7.1.
> Executive summary: The maxima package is required. One or more of the
> maxima-exec-* package is required. The maxima-exec-cmucl package is
> the fastest option. For details on Lisp implementations, see the
> attached file README.lisps. The maxima-xmaxima package is optional. It
> provides a maxima GUI.
> There is a circular dependency between maxima and the maxima-exec*
> packages. They can be easily installed by specifying both on the command
> line, e.g.,
> rpm -ivh \
> maxima-5.9.0.rc4-1.i386.rpm maxima-exec-clisp-5.9.0.rc4-1.i386.rpm
> <snip>
> Issues with RedHat 7.1: maxima-exec-gcl requires, as
> does the clisp-2.29 rpm. Due to a packaging problem, RedHat 7.1
> *appears* to be lacking In fact, the readline
> package on 7.1 does contain the file in question. The RPMs can be
> installed on 7.1 using the --nodeps option.
> ------------------------------------------------
> Would that have explained the problem adequately to you? I want the
> packaging to be as transparent as possible.
> --Jim Amundson