Re: Plot2d bugs 694770 and 710677

>>>>> "Raymond" == Raymond Toy <> writes:

    Raymond> Raymond Toy wrote:
    >>>>>>> "James" == James Amundson <> writes:
    James> I think you are asking the right question. When the dumb
    >> approach fails,

    James> it is obvious why and obvious what to do to fix it. Being smart about
    James> plotting is only useful if we are smart enough about it. I am not yet
    James> convinced that we are. What happens if you plot sin(1/x) near x=0?
    >> FWIW, a google search for "adaptive plotting" returns the following

    >> interesting page from yacas:


    Raymond> Well, is a straightforward port of this algorithm.  I've appended it
    Raymond> below.  Just replace draw2d in plot.lisp with the following.  It works
    Raymond> pretty well for these bugs, and does a pretty good job with
    Raymond> sin(1/x). Unfortunately, plot2d(1/(x-0.5),[x,0,1]) gives a division by
    Raymond> 0 error.

Assuming no news is good news :-), this adaptive plotting routine has
been committed, basically as is.

I think new plot options should defined so the user can select a
different depth and epsilon paramaters if necessary.  I haven't done
this, pending good names for the options.
