emaxima question

Hi Jay,

Thanks for the reply.

Jay Belanger writes:
 > David Ronis <ronis@flu-guest-pc.eng.tau.ac.il> writes:
 > > Hi
 > >
 > > I've started playing around with emaxima and was wondering how to do
 > > the following:
 > >
 > > 1.  Things like psi will render as \psi and psi[0] as \psi_0, that's
 > >     great, but how would I get something like \tilde \psi or \dot
 > >     \psi?  
 > What Maxima entities would you want to result in that?

Good question.  Perhaps some default compound structure function could
be introduced like

		   tildepsi : texquote(tilde psi);

which would then be converted to { \tilde \psi } by the tex function.

 > >     Is the entire Greek alphabet implemented (both upper and
 > >     lower case)?
 > Just lower case, I think.

How hard would it be to implement the upper case variables?  [In
general the texquote idea could be used for this, but clearly, the
basic tex characterset shouldn't require this].  This probably goes to
the discussion of case sensitivity that was on the list a while ago.
My own 2 cents are that maxima should be case sensitive, with a flag
that can be set to restore the old behavior.  If this were the case,
then to have Psi and psi render differently in tex would be trivial.

 > > 2.  Can I suppress/hide the maxima code and/or raw tex of the maximaoutput?  
 > What do you mean?
 > A cell that looks like
 > \maximanoshow
 > ...
 > \endmaximanoshow

 > will be evaluated in Maxima, but won't be TeXed up, if that's what you
 > mean. 

I hadn't tried that, but it's the reverse of what I want.  Basically,
I'd like to preview the final document (e.g., without any of the
maxima input commands/intermediate results showing).

 > > 3.  Finally, once I have everything done, I need to save the
 > >     output into a regular latex (actually revtex) document, and be
 > >     able to send it somewhere that doesn't have maxima/emaxima installed
 > >     (e.g., a journal).  Is there some simple command to strip out
 > >     everything but the tex output?

 > Not yet, but one could be made.
 > It should probably comment out the original cell, so the input will
 > still be in the unprocessed document, and then insert some TeX
 > statements that will result in the output.  The resulting *.tex file
 > won't look very tidy, and changing the Maxima commands after this
 > command is run would be a pain, hm, and the bars would be a minor
 > pain, but something can be done.  Why type of cells are you interested
 > in having this done to, to start?

I like the comment idea.  How about a simple script or auctex function
that simply comments or uncomments all but the output tex lines in a
