Request for PDF version of manual

Dear Cliff,

Many sincere thanks for the link, which I just tested. I believe 
Mike will not have an objection. I am grateful both to Mike and
to you and I hope and many users of Maxima will find this 
addition extremely useful.

I am thankful to you for all of your efforts and so prompt help.

Best regards,


> "C Y" <> wrote:
> Here's what I've done for now - I've added a link to the pdf document
> on Mike's site.  There shouldn't be any problem with that.
> I haven't heard from Mike in a while, so I don't know what the status
> of his effort is.  He was going to send me the TeX sources, but unless
> I lost an email I don't think that happened.  I looked over the
> discussion following his initial announcement, and I don't think there
> will be a problem with either linking or mirroring. 
> Mike, if you're out there, what's the status of the updated manual?
> Thanks much,
> CY