Things to do before GUI-developers can start their work

Dear list members,

lacking a notebook-style GUI, I recently played around with the QT/KDE-classes 
to see how difficult it is to write one. Here are my results:

Although QT/KDE is somehow bounded to Linux, it is well suited to develop an 

* Ready to use XML-parser
   This means easy load and save mechanism.

* KOffice - KFormula promises to handle MathML in the near future
   This means displaying and writing formulas is developed elsewhere.

* KOffice - KWord-classes can handle everything in the document not related to
   maxima, e.g. comments.

These points would make it easy to develop smart interfaces rich of handy 
features, iff

* maxima could speak MathML
* there would exist a XML Document Type Definition describing such things like
  C-, D- and E-labels.

Looking at the release plans there is a new command-line system planned before 
5.9.1. From the above, I suggest keeping MathML-support in mind.

Kind regards,