Bessel functions

>>>>> "kawabe" == kawabe  <> writes:

    kawabe> Hello Ray, thanks for your reply.
    kawabe> Hmmm, maybe my question was not clear enough.
    kawabe> Anyway, unfortunately I think you're misunderstanding the 
    kawabe> situation. Let me give you another couple of examples to 
    kawabe> see what's wrong.

    kawabe> (C7) j0(x)-bessel_j(0, x);
    kawabe> (D7)                               0

    kawabe> This means that, on algebraic level, the first parameter in
    kawabe> bessel_j(v, z) is interpreted as the order and the second 
    kawabe> is the argument (which is consistent with the documentation).

    kawabe> Then, when evaluating to the floating point, the same thing
    kawabe> is interpreted as the argument.
    kawabe> (C10) float(j0(1)-bessel_j(0,1));
    kawabe> (D10)                          .7651976865579666

    kawabe> (C11) j0(1)-j1(0);
    kawabe> (D11)                          .7651976865579666

    kawabe> I hope this helps you to see the problem.

Sorry, I misunderstood the question.  Yes, it's a bug, probably caused
by my undecidedness of whether to change the order of the args for
bessel or not.

This patch should fix it.  It will be applied soon.


Index: bessel.lisp
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/src/bessel.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -r1.22 bessel.lisp
--- bessel.lisp	2 Jun 2003 16:04:38 -0000	1.22
+++ bessel.lisp	13 Jun 2003 15:12:28 -0000
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
 			     (fillarray (nsymbol-array '$besselarray) jvals)
 			     (aref jvals n))
-			     (let* ((j ($bessel order (- arg)))
+			     (let* ((j ($bessel (- arg) order))
 				    (s1 (cis (- (* order pi))))
 				    (s2 (* #c(0 2) (cos (* order pi)))))
 			       (slatec:dbesy (- (float arg)) alpha (1+ n) jvals)
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@
 	     ;; We have numeric order and arg and $numer is true, or
 	     ;; we have either the order or arg being floating-point,
 	     ;; so let's evaluate it numerically.
-	     ($bessel order arg))
+	     ($bessel arg order))
 	    ((and (integerp order) (minusp order))
 	     ;; Some special cases when the order is an integer