Wolfgang Jenkner <wjenkner@inode.at> writes:
> Christophe Rhodes <csr21@cam.ac.uk> writes:
>> I've attached a patch that clears up most of the issues that CVS sbcl
>> has with Maxima.
> Thank you very much! Unfortunately it seems that also the usual mode
> of building the system is broken with the recent SBCL (Linux
> i686). Compiling commac.lisp (which precedes in maxima.system any of
> the files concerned by your patches) gives
> ; compiling DEFUN *ARRAY:
> debugger invoked on condition of type SB-INT:BUG:
> This is probably a bug in SBCL itself.
Yes; I encountered this bug too; fortunately, by the time I got to
looking at it, Alexey Dejneka had fixed it upstream. So sbcl-
shouldn't exhibit this symptom. (Welcome to the bleeding edge :-)
>> is there a lisp-level function I can call, or a file to load, that
>> simply runs the test suite?
> I think the canonical way of running a single file of the test suite
> uses the (undocumented) second argument of $BATCH, like this.
> (C1) batch("/home/wolfgang/maxima/tests/rtest15.mac",'TEST);
Thanks. I'm getting some errors from the test suite, which if I
understand correctly may be disagreements about what TYPE-OF needs to
do? If it's not this issue, then something else might be going
For example (from rtest1.mac):
/* ********************** Problem 22. *************** */
%Input is
P (1 + Y)
The result is
d 4 2
--------- ((Y + 1) - 2 (Y + 1) + 1)
d(Y + 1)
This differed from the expected result:
3 (1 + Y) - 1
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(defvar b "~&Just another Lisp hacker~%") (pprint #36rJesusCollegeCambridge)