How to eval a "quoted" expression?

What a thorough explaination!
I see!
Thank you very much!

On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 10:00:14PM -0400, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> > I'm trying to conpare MAXIMA with LISP.
> Though there are some similarities, there are also some big differences.
> > It seems a single quote stands for QUOTE and double single 
> > quote stands for EVAL.
> The semantics of Maxima single-quote are more complicated than Lisp
> quote.  Single-quote of an expression does correspond to Lisp quote:
>      '(print(3)) => print(3)
> but keep in mind that *simplification* is orthogonal to evaluation:
>      '(print(3+4)) => print(7)
> Single-quote of a function in function-application context applies the
> *noun form* of the function to the (evaluated) arguments:
>      'print(print(3)) prints 3 and returns print(3)
>      print('print(3)) prints print(3) and returns print(3)
> A noun form function stays unevaluated:
>      ev('print(3)) => print(3)
> By default, noun form functions display the same as verb form functions.
> This can be confusing, so I'd recommend turning on the noundisp flag so
> the difference will be visible:
> (C1) print(3);
> 3 
> (D1)                            3
> (C2) '(print(3));
> (D2)                         PRINT(3)
> (C3) ev(d2);
> 3 
> (D3)                            3
> (C4) 'print(3);
> (D4)                         PRINT(3)
> (C5) ev(d4);
> (D5)                         PRINT(3)
> (C6) noundisp:true;
> (D6)                           TRUE
> (C7) c1;
> (D7)                         PRINT(3)
> (C8) c2;
> (D8)                       '(PRINT(3))
> (C9) c3;
> (D9)                          EV(D2)
> (C10) c4;
> (D10)                       'PRINT(3)
> (C11) c5;
> (D11)                         EV(D4)
> (C12) d1;
> (D12)                           3
> (C13) d2;
> (D13)                        PRINT(3)
> (C14) d3;
> (D14)                           3
> (C15) d4;
> (D15)                       'PRINT(3)
> (C16) d5;
> (D16)                       'PRINT(3)
> Compare with quoting the whole expression:
>      '( print(print(3)) ) returns print(print(3))
>      print( '(print(3)) ) prints print(3) and returns print(3)
> ----------------------------
> Double-quote in Maxima doesn't correspond directly to anything in Lisp.
> It is a *read-time* substitution of a value.  So for example:
>    v: 'vv1;
>    vv1: 'vvv1;
>    vv2: 'vvv2;
>    [v, ''v, v: 'vv2, v, ''v] => [vv1, vvv1, vv2, vv2, vvv1]
> Note that the fifth result is NOT affected by setting v to 'vv2.
> Compare
>    [v, ev(v), v: 'vv2, v, ev(v)] =>  [vv2, vvv2, vv2, vv2, vvv2]
> > How can I make eq2 be evaluated to 101?
> Nouns can be evaluated by verbs either by using the "nouns" flag to
> "ev", or by naming the specific noun in the arguments to ev:
>    p1(x):=print(['p1,x]);
>    p2(x):=print(['p2,x]);
>    qq: ['p1(4),'p2(5)] => ['p1(4), 'p2(5)]
>    ev(qq) => ['p1(4), 'p2(5)] ------same thing
>    ev(qq,nouns) prints [p1, 4] and [p2, 5] and returns [[p1, 4], [p2,
> 5]]
>    ev(qq,p1) prints [p1, 4] and returns [[p1, 4], 'p2(5)].
> The noun form is actually kept as the operator of the expression (not as
> some sort of quoting operator surrounding the expression):
>    apply( op('p1(3)), [9] ) => 'p1(9)
>    apply(op('(p1(3))),[9]) prints [p1, 9] and returns [p1, 9]
>    ?print(op('p1(3))) -> %p1      -- print internal form
>    ?print(op('(p1(3)))) -> $p1 
>    op('p1(3)) - op('(p1(3))) => p1 - p1  -- these are two different
> things
>       (note that noundisp only affects the display of nouns when
>        they are applied to arguments)
> I don't like all this complexity, but that is the way Maxima currently
> works.
>      -s

Wang Yin
Deparment of Computer Science and Technology,
Tsinghua University,
Beijing China