Many thanks to Stavros Macrakis whose suggestions work proper:
> 4) Why are you using a block and return? A simpler way to say
> BLOCK(IF A >= ta THEN RETURN(INTEGRATE(ta - x1, x1, 0, ta))
> ELSE RETURN(INTEGRATE(ta - x1, x1, 0, A)))
> is
> IF A >= ta THEN INTEGRATE(ta - x1, x1, 0, ta)
> ELSE INTEGRATE(ta - x1, x1, 0, A)
> or for that matter
> integrate(ta-x1,x1,0,if A>=ta then ta else A)
> or even simpler
> integrate(ta-x1,x1,0,min(A,ta))
> Note that min(A,ta) will simplify if you've said assume(A<ta) etc.
Also my thanks to Richard Fateman and Wolfgang Jenkner whose ideas
I have to study yet.