[Axiom-developer] Re: [Maxima] Re: GCL used commercially?

> > This puts it quite clearly.  The GPL is not about defending our work

> > (against proprietary forks etc.), it is about constraining others to

> > license *their* work under the FSF's preferred terms whenever 
> > possible.
> It is about retaining the freedom that the original author, 
> the person who put it under GPL, wants kept.

Sigh.  The question is deciding between placing GCL under GPL or keeping
it under LGPL.  Plainly, since its authors put it under LGPL, they did
*not* want to use the more restrictive terms of the GPL to "retain
freedom".  As Stallman said, "if the bulk of the code was written by
people who wanted that code to be under the LGPL, there is a sense in
which it would be bad to go against their wishes."
