Maxima talk at the Libre Software Meeting

On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 15:34, Raymond Toy wrote:
> >>>>> "James" == James Amundson <> writes:
>     James> As I mentioned before, I am giving a talk on Maxima at the Libre
>     James> Software Meeting in Metz, France on Thursday. In an ideal world, I would
>     James> have sent it to the list with enough time to take comments. In the real
>     James> world, I have just finished; I am leaving for Metz tomorrow.
> Just curious.  How did this go?  What did people think of maxima?

Actually, it went quite well. I keep meaning to write up a report on the
conference for the maxima list, but I'm in the middle of a hectic summer
schedule, so I haven't been able to find the time. Here's the short
	1) Maxima got a great deal of respect from the people at the
conference. The author of Yacas even came up to me and essentially
apologized for working on Yacas while Maxima is around. (Obviously, that
wasn't necessary. I did find it amusing, however.)

	2) I talked with the author of TeXmacs quite a bit. We are going to try
to make the maxima-texmacs interface more robust.

	3) I talked with one of the SBCL maintainers about better cooperation
with SBCL.

	4) I talked with Tim Daly about ways for Maxima and Yacas to cooperate.
He wants to work on a test suite.
