Re: [Gcl-devel] Axiom and Maxima


root <> writes:

> Jim,
> I had an interesting discussion with Richard Fateman about testing.
> It appears that we can combine Axiom and Maxima in a single image.
> It would then be possible to run a function in Axiom at the 
> command prompt and also run the same function in Maxima from Axiom's
> command prompt:
> -> 2+2 => 4          <== execute in Axiom
> -> )lisp (maxima)    <== the )lisp runs a lisp command
> # 2+2 => 4           <== execute in Maxima
> # quit               <== leave Maxima
> -> 
> This will greatly facilitate testing and also help the CATS effort along.
> I'm not sure of the namespace collision issues but it seems like they
> could all be worked out.

An ambitious idea!

> Camm, 
> Do you know if Maxima will load into an Axiom workspace? 
> What issues arise?

I must confess I do not know much about Axiom workspaces.  If they are
like lisp packages, there should not be too much problem.

> If this works we could easily make "cover domains" for Maxima's
> functionality in Axiom. 
> I already have plans "in place" (see the
> savannah website) to merge ACL2 in a similar way. 

I was looking for this on the site, but could not see anything
pertinent.  What am I missing?

Take care,

> Tim Daly
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> Gcl-devel mailing list

Camm Maguire	
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah