Greetings, and a question about sequences.

Hello, Ben Logan and the group!
The file I attached solves partly the problem. For example,
(C2) to(by(1,1/2),3);
[1, -, 2, 3]
(D2) 			        [1, -, 2, -, 3]

Unfortunately, I failed to make to and by infix operators due to the 
following unwanted behaveiour of Maxima:

(C1) infix("x");
(D1) 				      "X"
(C2) part(1 x 2, 0);
(D2) 				       X
(C3) '(x);Incorrect syntax: X is not a prefix operator
(C3) Incorrect syntax: Illegal use of delimiter )
(C3) Incorrect syntax: Premature termination of input at ;.

So, how can check, if part(1 by 2,) equals to symbol by?

Andrei Zorine

Ben Logan wrote:
> Hello, everyone.
> I am new to the list and relatively new to Maxima, though I am not a
> total newbie.  I have just started a technical calculus course, which
> requires the use of Matlab, at a local college.  I asked my professor
> if I could substitute Maxima, and he said that would be okay--as long
> as I complete the worksheets, he doesn't care which CAS I use.  I am
> using Maxima version 5.9.0 with GCL on a Redhat 8.0 system (i686).  I
> am familiar with programming in various high-level languages, but lisp
> is unfortunately not one of them (yet).
> There is a document called "Matlab Basics" which I downloaded as part
> of my calc course, and I was looking through it trying to find the
> Maxima equivalents.  (If anyone wants to take a look, it is here:
> -- it isn't necessary
> to look at it to help me, though.)
> Here is my problem: in Matlab, you set up an array of values in a
> simple manner by using the ':' operator.  E.g.,
> x=2:4
> yields
> x = 2 3 4
> Or you can give a step value:
> x=2:.5:4
> yields
> x = 2.0000 2.5000 3.0000 3.5000 4.0000
> I have searched through the Maxima info pages, the docs on the
> website, and the 2003 mailing list archives, but I have not found an
> equivalent way to do this in Maxima.  I found out how to create a
> list:
> x:[2,4,6];
> But is there any way to automatically fill it with a sequence?  I
> tried using a FOR loop, but ran into problems with variable scope.
> Plus, that seems a little cumbersome unless there is no other way.
> Your help is greatly appreciated.  I'm sure I'll have more questions
> before my class is over. :-)
> Thanks,
> Ben

Attached file: seq.mac