You found a Maxima bug; if possible, would you file a bug report?
(C1) assume(c < a + b);
(D1) [- C + b + a > 0]
(C2) is(c < a+ b);
(C3) max(a+b,c);
(D3) b + a
(C4) max(c,a+b);
(D4) MAX(C, b + a)
max should be improved in other ways as well. Consider
(C11) max(a,b);
(D11) MAX(b, a)
(C12) subst(a+7,b,%);
(D12) MAX(a + 7, a)
(C13) ev(%);
(D13) a + 7
If max worked by simplification, I think that a user wouldn't need to
manually re-evaluate as I did in (c13).