Requesting input on some possible low-level changes


James Amundson <> writes:

> On Thu, 2003-09-04 at 20:11, Camm Maguire wrote:
> > Greetings, and thanks as always for your feedback.  I cannot reproduce
> > this with the current 2.6.1 cvs build, recently released as a Debian
> > package.  ( is *still* down, so in the interim, we will be
> > using cvs and the Debian pool as our means of distribution.  We have
> > also moved to a linux kernel style release naming convention.  x.y.z,
> > with y *even* is stable, y odd unstable/development.  So basically
> > we've renamed the pending 2.5.4, never released, to 2.6.1.)
> Thank you for responding so quickly. I updated my cvs checkout the the
> Version_2_6_1 branch and the problem I reported went away. That branch
> is still a work in progress, correct?

My apologies for the confusion arising from the new numbering
system.  At the request of someu users, we've adopted a 'linux kernel'
style numbering system, with x.y.z and y *even* denoting a stable
release, and y *odd* denoting unstable/development.  Currently, 2.6.1
is our stable release candidate in CVS, and 2.7.0 is unstable CVS
head.  As is still down, I'm releasing binaries of 2.6.1
as Debian packages.  When it becomes available again, we'll cut the
official 2.6.1 tarball.

> I have a more fundamental question: should we be building Maxima with
> ANSI GCL, or traditional GCL? Of course, the plan has always been to go
> with the ANSI branch eventually, but I thought we should wait until it
> had stabilized to some degree. Is the ANSI branch ready for production
> use? (I apologize if the answer is obvious -- I haven't paid attention
> to this issue lately.)

ANSI GCL built maxima 5.9.0 just fine when I packaged the latter some
time ago, and I'd certainly not like to retreat from this.  This
having been said, Paul is currently generating tests faster than I'm
able to look at the compliance issues, though I hope this will change
when I get to focus more intently on ANSI after I finish the current
work on stable.  In other words, the ansi build will be a moving
target for some time.  If you don't need it, it might be prudent to
stay with the traditional build, which we plan on continuing to offer
in any case in the future albeit not as the default.  If you want to
help us debug, then please use ANSI.  Unless you use some really
exotic (IMHO) lisp, the ANSI build should be just fine.  It is
somewhat larger.  Anyway, them's the cards.

Take care, 

> Best,
> Jim

Camm Maguire	
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah