Using f2cl to bring Fortran code into Maxima


I'm interested in using Fortran code in Maxima. It
looks like the way to do that is f2cl. In particular
I'm interested in computing the function phi(x) =
gamma'(x)/gamma(x), but I would like to be able to
use any (or at least many) Fortran function.

I've located f2cl within CLOCC ( and
downloaded f2cl[0-8].l and macros.l according to the
instructions I found there. I can execute "load" on
each of the files and the Lisp interpreter (clisp)
seems happy.

(f2cl:f2cl 'tmp.f :verbose :out-filename 'tmp.l) 
says "preprocessing begins ..." and then
yields a complaint: no file name given: #P"/tmp/.p"
This appears to be coming from line 125 in f2cl6.l
or there abouts. I've looked at the code and tried
to puzzle out what is happening -- apparently some
part of the path string is undefined -- but I can't
see how to fix it. My Lisp skills are pretty limited.

I wasn't able to find some instructions on using
f2cl for bringing Fortran code into Maxima, so I've
decided to post this to the Maxima list since then
the replies will be in the mailing list archives.

Thanks for any light you can shed on this matter.
I appreciate your help very much.

Robert Dodier

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