Subject: Solving a single equation of two variables
From: Barton Willis
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 09:44:03 -0500
I don't think you've done anything wrong; I don't think that you've found
a Maxima bug either.
It seems to me that the solution to your equation is either a huge mess or
it doesn't have a reasonable
representation. (I think the second possibility is the correct one, but
I could be wrong.) Neither
commercial Macsyma or the Maple (a somewhat out-of-date version) give an
explicit solution to your
Suggestion: Rescale your equation with x -> a * x and r -> a * r. You'll
be able to eliminate a from your
equation. After that you can study your equation graphically and
Sent by:
09/16/2003 09:09 AM
Subject: [Maxima] Solving a single equation of two variables
I am new to maxima and am trying to solve the following relatively simple
equation for r:
x = a * log(( a + sqrt( a^2 - r^2))/r) - sqrt(a^2 - r^2),
where x and r are variables and a is a constant.
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