>>>>> "jarausch" == jarausch <jarausch@igpm.rwth-aachen.de> writes:
jarausch> Hi,
jarausch> I would very much appreciate help in build maxima with cmucl.
jarausch> I am using
jarausch> lisp -v
jarausch> Warning: #<Command Line Switch "v"> is an illegal switch
jarausch> CMU Common Lisp 18d+ 2002-08-13, running on numa-i
Can you try a newer version? I'm pretty sure 18e works fine, and so
does the current cvs version, for which monthly snapshots are
available, and random recent binaries are also available. (I'm also
thought 18d worked, but I'm not sure about that.)
jarausch> Is there an uptodate script to build cmucl-cvs from source. Upto now I
jarausch> had no luck in build it.
Pierre Mai has some scripts at
http://www.pmsf.de/resources/lisp/CMUCL.html. Gerd also posted his
scripts here a couple of weks ago. Either of these should work since
both are actively used.