problems with scalefactors and spherical coordinates

"Charles James Leonardo Quarra Cappiello" <> writes:

>   The scalefactors function seems to be hanging;
> i do
> (C1) load(vect);
> (D1) /usr/local/share/maxima/5.9.0/share/vector/vect.mac
> (C2)
> scalefactors([[r*sin(theta)*cos(phi),r*sin(theta)*sin(phi),r*cos(theta)],r,theta,phi]);
> However i keep waiting forever for the next prompt
> any ideas what is wrong here? its the vect package broken in 5.9.0?

Yes, but it has been mostly fixed in CVS.  Please see

and apply the patch given there or (better) fetch vect.mac from the
CVS archive. 

Prefix operators (like DIV) are still broken.  There's a fix

but it isn't in CVS yet.
