Re: breqn

Richard Fateman <> writes:

> Actually I doubt that breqn works well enough for anything but
> trivial demonstrations.  In addition, it is very slow.

Really?  Did you ever try to benchmark it?

Below are the results of processing the TeX expression from


with breqn (1.tex) and without breqn (2.tex):

| $ time for ((i=100;i--;)); do tex \&mylatex 1.tex > /dev/null; done
| real    0m30.191s
| user    0m25.850s
| sys     0m4.260s
| $ time for ((i=100;i--;)); do latex 2.tex > /dev/null; done
| real    0m31.834s
| user    0m27.870s
| sys     0m3.900s

As we see using breqn isn't any slower than ordinary LaTeX for this