Trivial demonstration using breqn

I have patched the trivial demonstration using breqn, so that it now 
does reasonable line splitting of longish equations.  

The package breqn isnt on the TeXLive CD, but I found version 0.94 at and installed it in the TDS.  

The master TeX file is now:



I couldn't figure out how to modify the $$... $$ displaymath
environment in TeX, so I just patched mactex.lisp to output the
correct delimiters: change the two occurances of $$ to \begin{dmath}
and \end{dmath} respectively:

     (t ; display the expression for TeX now:
         (myprinc "\\begin{dmath}")
	(format texport "\\end{dmath}")))

You may need to adjust the delay in the tcl script:
    after xxx {exec latex maxout.tex} 
for longer equations. Theres probably a more bullet proof way of 
doing this - I'm open to suggestions.

The results are quite satisfactory as far as I'm concerned:
'integrate(1/(x^8-1), x);
integrate(1/(x^8-1), x);
(1-x-x^2)^50, expand;
taylor(sin(x-a*x^2), x, 0, 15);

However when subexpressions get too long, the display does overfill:
taylor(sin(x-a*x^2), x, 0, 40); 

It is more than fast enough for moderate size expressions on an
ancient 400MHz laptop

Finally, I've noticed that netmath.ini is a tcl script - I just 
append "after 2000 {source texgui.tcl}" to this, which lets me 
execute arbitrary tcl code at startup. (I also do "pack forget 
.browser" to get rid of the annoying browser window). The "after" is 
needed because netmath.ini is sourced before the tcl widgets are 

Rod Stephenson