rebuild the installed image: how to?

Greetings!  If you are using GCL as your underlying lisp:

:lisp (si::save-system "/tmp/foog")

and then

/tmp/foog -eval '(run)'

Take care,

Valery Pipin <> writes:

> Hello!
> Is it possible to rebuild the installed image of maxima for a particular lisp?
> The share dir has the sources of maxima system. I would like to upgrade some 
> files there from cvs (or, say, after upgradinig lisp version) and build the 
> new image without reinstalling the whole package. Is it possible?
> best regards,
> Valery  
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Camm Maguire	
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah