Greetings! Anything you load or compile before executing the
(si:;save-system ...) command will be stored in the resulting image.
I think its pretty amazing too.
Take care, writes:
> Hello!
> Camm wrote:
> >Greetings! If you are using GCL as your underlying lisp:
> >:lisp (si::save-system "/tmp/foog")
> >and then
> >/tmp/foog -eval '(run)'
> That's work. However is the new image using the new version of maxima system
> files? The procedure :lisp (si::save-system "/tmp/foog") takes less than a
> second.
> best regards
> Valery
Camm Maguire
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens." -- Baha'u'llah