Re: rebuild the installed image: how to?

On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 21:21, Raymond Toy wrote:
> In the meantime, I was thinking about just making a local
> > copy of the minimal set of necessary cmucl files in the maxima tree. I
> > haven't tried it yet. Does that sound like a reasonable idea?
> > 
> Since we already create a maxima.core, all you need is the lisp runtime 
> binary, which is pretty small.  Easy. :-)

Good. I was hoping it would be that simple. I think the maxima-cmucl
binary distribution will be more attractive if it doesn't depend on an
external cmucl rpm.

> This would be pretty nice.  I update my cmucl quite often and that break 
> maxima since I don't update that as often.

Yes. Only recently have I appreciated how inconvenient it is to have
your installed maxima distribution depend on your installed lisp
