Re: rebuild the installed image: how to?

Wolfgang Jenkner <> writes:

> James Amundson <> writes:
>> On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 04:02, Nicolas Neuss wrote:
>> > In fact, I'm thinking about using Maxima's polynomial manipulation for
>> > computing finite element shape functions and quadrature rules in my toolbox
>> > "Femlisp" [1].  I would like this to be an optional choice
> [...]
>> I hope you will not encounter any special difficulties loading Maxima as
>> an additional module. If you do, please speak up so that we can try to
>> smooth the rough edges.
> ? src/maxima.asd
> This is from a patch Christophe Rhodes submitted some time ago.  So it
> seems that loading Maxima as an ASDF system would also be an option.

It would be nice.  I spoke to Jim a little about this kind of thing at
the LSM back in the summer.  

The reason I generated an asdf system description for maxima was that
it allowed me to investigate full compile-warnings without drowning in
the compilation noise: there is an option that I use in asdf to stop
the compilation (and provide suitable restarts) if compile-file
returns a failure code.  This means that, when compiling, one is
notified of provably bad code (e.g. type conflicts, or 
  (format t "~A ~A" x)
and the like), and given a chance to investigate and recompile.  This,
I think, encourages people to fix bugs :-)

The approach the McCLIM people have taken is to provide a neutral
system description:

(defmacro defsystem ...)
(defmacro defsystem ...)

(defsystem clim ...)

[ which does mean that you can't use the advanced features of either;
  this may or may not be an issue ]


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(defvar b "~&Just another Lisp hacker~%")    (pprint #36rJesusCollegeCambridge)