asin and acos wrong

>>>>> "Jaime" == Jaime E Villate <> writes:

    Jaime> Hi,
    Jaime> I've just submitted a bug report, but I'd also like to mention it in
    Jaime> this list. asin is giving wrong results (Maxima 5.9.0 from Debian's
    Jaime> package 5.9.0-11)

    Jaime> (C5) asin(0.5);

    Jaime> (D5) 0.5
    Jaime> (C6) asin(0.99);

    Jaime> (D6) 0.99

This doesn't happen for me, with the current CVS head code, on cmucl.

    Jaime> (C7) asin(1);

    Jaime> (D7) %PI/2

    Jaime> The plot of the function shows a really weird function:

    Jaime> (C8) plot2d(asin(x), [x,-4,4])$

This is a bit of a problem since asin(x) is complex for |x| > 1.  And
cmucl crashes in this case.  Ick.
