Strange plot2d behaviour

>>>>> "Jaime" == Jaime E Villate <> writes:

    Jaime> On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 02:23:21PM +0100, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
    >> It is always better to include a domain for y, to avoid running into
    >> points where the function blows up.

    Jaime> And on Wed, 01 Oct 2003 09:57:08 -0400, Raymond Toy replied:

    >> Specifying a domain for y only limits what the plot shows.  The x axis
    >> is still sampled around the singularity.  The plots, however, probably
    >> look better if you do this.

    Jaime> That's not what happens in the Maxima version that I use (5.9.0 with
    Jaime> GCL, under Debian GNU/Linux):

    Jaime> (C1) plot2d(1/x, [x, -2, 2], [y, -10, 10])$
    Jaime> (C2) plot2d(1/x, [x, -2, 2])$

    Jaime> C1 gives the plot quickly. C2 gets Maxima stuck until I reset it.

Oh, I forgot.  5.9.0 has a different plotting algorithm than what's
currently in CVS.  The y limits don't influence the sampling as much
any more, but plotting should be better too, as some of the old bug
reports show.
