How do I compile Maxima with debugging information?

As far as I'm concerned, tracing and breaking at a point are two 
different tasks. Yes, I tried to trace(), but it turned out 
insufficient, because
(C1) ?trace(?specasep)$
(C2) solve(log(x)=1,x);
   1> (SPECASEP (#:G21847 1 1 0 -1))
   <1 (SPECASEP T)

is not what I want. Even setting trace_oprions(?specasep, break) doesn't 
help, because I can't see what's going on inside the lisp function from 
the maxima debugger (I can't ask for lisp local variables etc.) That's 
why I wanted to put a breakpoint inside a lisp function.

Here's another failure:
(C6) load("solve.lisp");
(D6)   C:/PROGRAM FILES/MAXIMA-5.9.0/share/maxima/5.9.0/src/solve.lisp
(C7) :br specasep
Turning on debugging debugmode(true)No line info for $specasep
(C7) :br ?specasepNo line info for $SPECASEP

(D6) shows that the file neede was loaded, but I can't put a breakpoint 
anyway. So, your suggestions are still wanted.

Andrei Zorine

p.s. Has anybody seen the trace.dem file ever?

Richard Fateman wrote:
> try  trace(?specasep);
> or   ?trace(?specasep);
> Andrei Zorine wrote:
>> when I want to place a breakpoint inside maxima source files (like 
>> solve.lisp), it says
>> (C1) :br ?specasep
>> No line info for $SPECASEP
>> -- 
>> Andrei Zorine
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