another question

richard noel fell [09/10/03 16:22 -0400]:
> I would like to calculate the partial sums of a fourier series and have 
> maxima do the work. So, I define an array of functions (well, that is my 
> intent)
> f[0](x):=0;
> for i:1 thru 10 do 
> f[i+1](x):=f[i](x)+(-1)^i/(2*i+1)^2*sin(%pi*x/(2*i+1)^2). Then, I would 
> plot the partial sums via plot2d.

Have you tried something like:

    In other words - no loop!
		Then, define a partial sum, say
    end then plot:
 It worked for me.
 Milan Lukic

> However, both commercial Macsyma and maxima, while perfectly happy with 
> a subscripted definition such as f[0](x):=x, they complain when I try to 
> do this in a for loop.  maxima gives the error message:
> ERROR ((MPLUS) |$i| 1) is not of type STRING
> Is there a way to overcome this difficulty? Thanks,
> Dick Fell
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