another question

Not a CLISP issue.  Lukic's suggestion is not legal syntax
in any version of maxima.
he said "something like ..."

Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS) wrote:

>Interesting.  There may be a clisp issue at work here.
>With maxima-5.9.0 / clisp-2.27 on irix6.5 I see
>(C1) f[0](x):=0;
>(D1)                              f (x) := 0
>                                   0
>(C2) f[i+1](x):=f[i](x);
>*** - STRING: argument ((MPLUS) |$i| 1) should be a string, a symbol or a character
>The following restarts are available:
>R1 = Macsyma top-level
>1. Break [1]> 
> .... but ....
>(C2) f[0](x):=0;
>(D2)                              f (x) := 0
>                                   0
>(C3) f[i](x):=f[i-1](x);
>(D3)                          f (x) := f     (x)
>                               i        i - 1
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Milan Lukic [mailto:lmilan at shell]
>Sent: Friday, 10 October 2003 11:59 AM
>Subject: Re: [Maxima] another question
>richard noel fell [09/10/03 16:22 -0400]:
>>I would like to calculate the partial sums of a fourier series and have 
>>maxima do the work. So, I define an array of functions (well, that is my 
>>for i:1 thru 10 do 
>>f[i+1](x):=f[i](x)+(-1)^i/(2*i+1)^2*sin(%pi*x/(2*i+1)^2). Then, I would 
>>plot the partial sums via plot2d.
>Have you tried something like:
> f[0](x):=0;
> f[i+1](x):=f[i](x)+(-1)^i/(2*i+1)^2*sin(%pi*x/(2*i+1)^2)$
>    In other words - no loop!
>		Then, define a partial sum, say
> ss[3](x):=sum(f[i](x),i,0,3);
>    end then plot:
> plot2d('(ss[3](x)),[x,-3,3]);
> It worked for me.
> Milan Lukic
>>However, both commercial Macsyma and maxima, while perfectly happy with 
>>a subscripted definition such as f[0](x):=x, they complain when I try to 
>>do this in a for loop.  maxima gives the error message:
>>ERROR ((MPLUS) |$i| 1) is not of type STRING
>>Is there a way to overcome this difficulty? Thanks,
>>Dick Fell
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