Documentation (Was Re: [Maxima] CVS anonymous access)

--- "Jaime E. Villate" <> wrote:

> Also, is there any interest that I help improve the Maxima Manual
> and/or Maxima Book? 

Certainly!  By all means.

> I've found the refmanual lacking information in
> some cases. I could also help fix some documentation bugs such as
> "[ 808280 ] describe(psi); claims Maxima can't evaluate psi"
> I could also write some missing chapters in the Maxima Book, such as
> the chapter on vectors and matrices.
> Are there any other urgent tasks regarding documentation?

Matrix and vector chapter would be a good place to start - in the
process you could also debug the vector package a little :-).  You need
emaxima with its latex abilities working in order to work on the Book. 
Also, if you like you could pick a package and begin writing the
MaximaBook section on that if it's easier to start with something a
little less general.

Progress on MaximaBook has been essentially nonexistant for a while -
I've been too busy to do much with it, and likely will be for quite a
while - perhaps even until next summer :-(.  You never know, of course,
but it doesn't look promising.  The cvs directory contains the current
maximabook structure and source - let me know if you can't get it to
work and I'll make a tarball of the latest incarnation.  


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