Greetings! Cannot reproduce this with my Debian linux maxima 5.9.0
built with recent GCL. Mike, can you please investigate?
Take care,
"Stavros Macrakis" <> writes:
> (do-symbols (xx) (print xx)) prints out 484 symbols (through
> $GFACTORSUM), then GCL (not just Maxima) crashes with "Error sending to
> Maxima:: can not find channel named "sock252"".
> Does anyone know what is going on? Until this gets fixed, is there some
> workaround for iterating through all symbols used by Maxima (presumably
> those in the Maxima package)?
> This does not happen in GCL-2.5.0 in a command window with no Maxima
> loaded, but I've CC'd the GCL developers since it crashes GCL. It
> should be impossible to write user code that crashes the interpreter
> like this, right?
> XMaxima 5.9.0 gcl 2.5.0 mingw32 Windows2000 Athlon
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Camm Maguire
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens." -- Baha'u'llah