maxima texmacs complains about genut

> However texmacs-maxima complains about "wrong" syntax in 
> "genut" the function  ZEROLISTP(list):=
> catch(for exp in list do if  exp#0 then throw(false), true)$ 
> meets problems for interpreter. Note, there is no such a 
> problem for console or emacs maxima sessions. 
> Besides I failed to find construction like  "for exp in list" 
> in maxima manual. Is it possible to replace it with some
> standard one? 

Could you please describe how exactly to reproduce this problem?  I am
not sure what you mean that zerolistp "meets problems for interpreter".
Syntax errors are normally given by the parser, not the interpreter.
Does texinfo have its own parser?  (Sorry for my ignorance; I have no
idea how texinfo interfaces to the rest of the system.)

As for the "for exp in list" syntax, it is documented in the section
"Definitions for Program Flow", under the special operator "DO" (which
is where all FOR clauses are documented) in file Program.texi:

          FOR variable IN list [end-tests] DO body
         The members of the list are any expressions which will
     successively be assigned to the variable on each iteration of the
     body.  The optional end-tests can be used to terminate execution of
     the DO; otherwise it will terminate when the list is exhausted or
     when a RETURN is executed in the body.  (In fact, list may be any
     non-atomic expression, and successive parts are taken.)

          (C1)  FOR F IN [LOG, RHO, ATAN] DO LDISP(F(1))$
          (E1)                                  0
          (E2)                                RHO(1)
          (E3)                                 ---
          (C4) EV(E3,NUMER);
          (D4)                             0.78539816