Strange floating point behaviour

I have this work sheet (I teach at a high school):

(C1) g : 9.81;
(D1) 			       9.810000000000001
(C2) x(t,v0) := g/2*t^2+v0*t;
					g  2
(D2) 			    x(t, v0) := - t  + v0 t
(C3) v(t,v0) := ''(diff(x(t,v0),t));
(D3) 		     v(t, v0) := v0 + 9.810000000000001 t
(C4) solve(x(t,0)=50.0,t);

RAT replaced 4.905 by 981//200 = 4.905
				100		 100
(D4) 		     [t = - -----------, t = -----------]
			    3 SQRT(109)	     3 SQRT(109)

I do not understand, why the result is displayed in this strange format. 
After all, g is a floating point number and I should expect Maxima to 
convert all numbers to floating point format.

As it is, I can write something like float(rhs(d4[2])) but it is a bit 

Has anybody any hint as to what to do?
