how do compile lisp/init part of Maxima

Eek!  Did you mistype that?  I have to recompile GCL!? and then recompile
Maxima in this new GCL..  Or did you actually mean that I only need to
recompile Maxima.

We need to find a way to make it possible to customize how much memory
Maxima can use - I would think there should be some way to send a command
line option to GCL to get it to start up differently...  I'm running a
simplification routine over an equation that isn't huge,  so I'm getting the
impression that the default stack size is amazingly small.

I wrote a little factorial program to verify that the stack is miniscule.

(C40) rectest(x):= if x=0 then 1 else rectest(x-1)*x;
(D40)        rectest(x) := IF x = 0 THEN 1 ELSE rectest(x - 1) x
(C41) rectest(5);
(D41)           120
(C42) rectest(95);

Error: Bind stack overflow.
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Error signalled by CATCH.
Broken at MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL.  Type :H for Help.

Joshua Scholar

----- Original Message -----
From: "Milan Lukic" <lmilan at shell>
To: "Joshua Scholar" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Maxima] how do compile lisp/init part of Maxima

> Hello Joshua,
> I had similar problems not so long ago. A month or so ago somebody
> (can't remember who) asked a similar question which I seconded. I
> think that Vadim replied that one needs to recompile GCL and set the
> stack variable there. My e-mail is in a mess right now, but if you
> do not get a reply from somebody knowledgable, I will try to find
> that Vadim's reply and send it to you. Sorry for such an incomplete
> answer.
> Milan Lukic
> Joshua Scholar [18/10/03 17:34 -0700]:
> > From my web searches I'm getting the impression that there's no way to
increase Maxima/GCL's bind-stack space without recompiling Maxima from
scratch.  The *multiply-stacks* variable makes no difference until you get
back to the top level which apparently never happens.
> >
> > changing Maximia-init.lisp does nothing, even if I reload it, which for
the same reason is unsurprising.
> >
> > So how does the build process work?  Does the install come with enough
stuff or do I need to download a GCL build...
> >
> > How is this all done?
> >
> > Joshua Scholar