ode2 not providing the solution

this message usually means you have encounted an error in the
polynomial GCD program. You can try a different one by something
gcd: ez;

however, this bug is not changed by such a setting.

The same bug appears in GCL.

Javed Alam wrote:

> Hi
> I have been trying to solve some 2nd order ordinary diff equation with 
> constant coefficients using maxima.  For some reason it is not working 
> for  the diff eqation given below:
> y" + a* y' + b*y = c*x
> For the case 4*b^2-a=0   I get a wrong answer and for the case 4*b^2-a 
> >0 ,the error I get is
> " Quotient by a polynomial of higher degree
> -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)"
> <snip>