Optimization settings (was Re: [Maxima] factor )

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <fateman@cs.berkeley.edu> writes:

    Richard> On the other hand, I use it all the time when running
    Richard> benchmarks.  Also looking at the assembly code is much
    Richard> easier with speed=3, safety=0, since there are no compiled-in
    Richard> checks, and stuff is done in-line.

I do the same for exactly the same reasons. :-)

And, for a program like maxima, I doubt there's much improvement to be
had with safety 0, because most things aren't declared anyway, so
type-checks are needed.  Perhaps the plotting routines and some of the
numerical routines can benefit from safety 0 (and speed 3), but not
much else.

Of course, I didn't check this supposition with real tests.
