Conjecture: Suppose you rewrote large chunks of Maxima in Maxima. By the
time you finished
(1) fixing bugs and inefficiencies in the translator, (2) writing
Maxima-level interfaces to many
functions in the Maxima core and to other common Lisp functions, you'd be
competent in Lisp to have done all your work in Lisp in the first place.
I had many reasons for rewriting specfun in Lisp (now orthopoly); some
were good
some neutral (insomnia, long, dark, cold Nebraska winters, etc). But
(1) Yes, the mathematical parts of orthopoly could be expressed more
compactly in
infix notation; however (a) surprisingly little of orthopoly is
mathematical stuff
(b) I generated most (probably all) of the lengthy mathematical prefix
in orthopoly automatically (via ?print and other tricks).
(2) Floating point complex number arithmetic is slow in Maxima; I think
it would
be difficult to make it fast. By rewriting in Lisp, orthopoly is able to
use Lisp complex
(3) Maxima arrays are unpleasant to use (that's my opinion) and
inefficient (I believe, but I haven't
tried any tests so I could be wrong) -- orthopoly uses Lisp arrays in a
few places.
(4) If you know how to do something in Maxima, but not in Lisp, you can
always try
translating a tiny piece of Maxima code to give you a clue how to do it in
(5) Is it possible to write a function that simplifies instead of
evaluates in Maxima?
Maybe it is, but I don't know how --- it's fairly straightforward to do
so in Lisp.
For example, can you write a function that is equivalent to
(C18) qqq(x) := if atom(x) then 42 else funmake(qqq,[x]);
(D18) qqq(x) := IF ATOM(x) THEN 42 ELSE FUNMAKE(qqq, [x])
(C19) qqq(4);
(D19) 42
(C20) qqq(a+b);
(D20) qqq(b + a)
(C21) subst(a=0,%);
(D21) qqq(b)
(C22) ev(%);
(D22) 42
that doesn't need the extra evaluation in (c22)?
(6) As it is now, the Maxima to Lisp translator has too many bugs to make
it a reliable
way to write good code. Try translating a tellsimpafter; for example
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I'm guessing the translated code would work for some ancient Lisp -- but
no longer works.